The 6th day of CNY

我第一眼看到這條高腰闊褲子,就想到三,四十年代美國老牌性格女演員Katharine Hepburn。要説到Katharine Hepburn和褲子,就要簡單講講三十年代的背景。美國早三十年代正直二次大戰時期,大部份男人在外打仗。因為社會不夠男性,在商業工業上女性接替了男性的位置。雖然如此,女性在公衆場合穿着褲卻被視為冒充男人的行為。嚴重者更會受到法列處決。除此之外,當時佛洛伊德提倡流行心理學説陽具羨妒理論,提出女性因崇拜男性強壯及各種生理狀況而喜歡穿褲子扮男人。活在這種社會背景的Katharine Hepburn卻我行我素,演藝事業剛冒起的她一貫中性打扮,無論任何場合她一定要穿褲子。有一次劇組人員惡作劇偷了她的褲子,她就乾脆穿着內褲拍劇,死也不願穿裙子。Katharine Hepburn明明是女兒身卻要刻意扮男裝。因而如此,當時觀衆對她接受度並不高,但經年代變遷,人思想開通進步。當年人們眼中Katharine Hepburn 的大膽前衛造型也日漸深遠影響一路下來的時尚潮流。

I don't normally sport long wide legged pants, but a few weeks ago after reading an article about Katharine Hepburn and the pants story,  I got totally inspired. Katharine Hepburn was a fashion icon yet a fashion rebel. In 30s and 40s before pants were socially acceptable and legal for women to wear in public, Katharine Hepburn consistently and controversially sported pants. A famous story of Katharine Hepburn was one day, the costume department at RKO took her jeans. Instead of just putting on a skirt,  Katharine just walked around the studio in her underwear until her jeans were returned.
Signature wear for Katharine Hepburn were high waist wide legged pants and turtleneck top or shirt. I took Katharine Hepburn as an inspiration for this outfit, wanting to create the classy masculine feel and I hope you all like my styling.

Self Belted Box Pleated Palazzo Pants ($19):

Zara High Neck Ribbed Top ($17.9):

#highwaistpants #palazzo #palazzopants #shein #katharinehepburn #widelegpants #paperbagpants #paperbag #feminsim #赫本 #女權 #女權主義  #女性 #Zara #fashionblogger #fashion #30s #時尚 #網誌 #40s


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