Creepy Smiley Face

作爲Joan Cornella 粉絲在Red Bubble看到這T-shirt就二話不説的買下來。很喜歡Joan Cornella 這類重口味漫畫。第一眼看到Joan Cornella 就被角色的詭異笑臉和對比鮮明的色彩吸引。可愛的顏色和背景襯托食人,殺嬰,謀殺,自殺,截肢這類故事。雖然Cornella 有些作品只是謊謬惡作劇,但有些卻是非現實的塲景去反映種族,宗教,性别等社會主題。未見識過Joan Cornella的漫畫,快來看看:

I am digging this Joan Cornella tee by Red Bubbley lately. I normally don't sport T-shirts but I really loved styling this one. I am obsessed with Joan Cornella's creepy smiley face. Joan Cornell makes the darkest and most f*ucked up art. His art is mostly six panel comics: a combination of cute, dark humor, and violence. If you have never seen Joan Cornella's arts,  you should check out this link:


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